Japan’s total population is over 125 million, with the greater Tokyo area home to 36 million people, which is nearly 25% of the population, and the most populated city in the world.
Only 0.4% have a personal relationship with Christ
About Japan
Religions of Japan
While Japan has freedom of religion, you will find that a majority (statistically 84-96%) of the population identifies themselves as either Buddhist, Shintoist or both. The average “believer” only following religious rituals at annual festivals or milestones in life. Otherwise, religion does not typically play a large role in the daily lives of the Japanese. Confucianism is also a commonly found throughout the Japanese population.
Culture of Japan
Modern and contemporary influences have made the culture of Japan a mix of traditional Asian, European and North American cultures. Japan is often referred to as a “collectivist society”, essentially meaning they are more concerned about the good of the whole community rather than an individual person’s well-being. From a young age children are taught to respect their elders and to follow the rules. The Japanese are a working people who are innovative and exhibit a unique blend of modernism that coincides with traditionalism.
Suicide Rates of
Suicide is a major issue in Japan. With cancer being the most common cause of death for Japanese people who are 40 and over, suicide is the leading cause among young people. Unfortunately, the numbers have been increasing recently due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Japan is the only economically advanced country where suicide is the leading cause of death among those 10-34. Often it is believed that these numbers could be due to school related stress (bullying & academic stress), depression, pressure to preform, and hopelessness. Unlike in many western cultures, in Japan suicide is not considered as a sin. It is seen as a way of taking responsibility and asking for forgiveness and is therefore accepted as a way to get out of difficult situations.
About Tokyo NextGen
Yokota Church ICA
I will be partnering with Yokota Church ICA (International Christian Assembly). The church is in Fussa, which is located in the center of the Tokyo Metropolis and is home to the US Yokota Air Base. The military families represent a third of the church along with the local Japanese and the international community in the area! Yokota Church will be my base of ministry where I will branch out to train additional leaders in children’s ministry.
Tokyo NextGen Ministry
Jesus loves children. They are precious and are never too young to experience the glory of God. The mission is to lead Asia’s next generation to Christ and to develop national leaders to continue to help these kids grow and develop as sons and daughters of Christ.